Being different is a good thing

What makes us different makes us better
Vornado was founded on the premise that comfort should be constant, bucking the trends of oscillation and utilitarian design. That still holds true today with a broad range of products that enhance efficiency and keep everyone comfortable all year long. Vornado maintains its worldwide reputation for forward-thinking products and above-and-beyond customer service from its headquarters in Perth, Western Australia.
Enjoy peace of mind
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Vornado products have a guarantee that gives you peace of mind for 5 years — the not-so-standard, standard.
Circulation is constant
Watch VideoVornado uses powerful airflow to circulate all the air in the room. The air flow is fast, cool and constant, creating a cooling experience unlike any other.
Oscillation is momentary
Unlike whole-room circulation, oscillation provides an intermittent breeze for those in the path of the airflow.

Life-made simple support
We have a knowledgeable team in Perth, Western Australia that are here to answer all your questions, or help you fix any problem. Call, chat or email us - it's easy

We work hard so your home doesn't have to
Our products supplement your current heating, cooling or air purifying system, keeping the rooms you’re in more comfortable and allowing your home to work less. For those without central air, heat or air purification, Vornado products still give you the comfort you need without the high energy bill.